We knew it wouldn’t take long, didn’t we?
It was only a couple of days and the anti Semitic nut jobs were out in force. They were lamenting the humanitarian abuses from the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) that hadn’t even happened yet.
From the Greensboro, NC News & Record-
“In Greensboro hundreds of demonstrators carrying signs and waving Palestinian flags lined a busy stretch of Wendover Avenue on Friday as conflict continues in the Middle East.
The chants of “No peace on stolen land” almost drowned out the sounds of passing cars on one of the city’s busiest roads.
“What we’ve seen this week is an everyday reality for the Palestinian people,” said Maitha Ali, one of the event’s organizers and of Palestinian descent, as the crowd swelled to about 400.”
Did she really just say that?
So, every day the IDF burst into Palestinian houses and drag children and grandmothers out of their homes, never to be seen again?
Every day, Israeli soldiers paraglide into Palestinian music festivals with their AK-47’s blasting, targeting innocent teenagers who are there just to celebrate life?
Every day, agents of Israel search out pregnant Palestinians and cut the fetuses out of their wombs and behead them, along with other unfortunate infants they happen to come across.
I’m sorry but the inconveniences experienced by the Palestinians in Israel, whether real or imagined, could never approach the evil that HAMAS inflicted on the Israeli people last Saturday and she should be ashamed for thinking it, let alone saying it out loud.
Sometimes I forget how evil this world can be and it takes something like this to wake me up. Unfortunately when it gets to the point where a massacre of this magnitude occurs it requires a response of equal or greater force and thousands more will suffer or die.
You might not agree with me but I’m glad that Benjamin Netanyahu is Prime Minister of Israel at this point in history. Yes, he carries some baggage and has some explaining to do concerning this massive intelligence failure but his strength is what is needed to carry out what will most certainly be the greatest test of Israel’s 75 year existence. My fear is that over time your President Biden will start the process of reigning him in. I hope this doesn’t happen. Opportunity should be seized and HAMAS needs to be eradicated completely followed by a good old fashioned butt whooping upon Iran that the special forces in Israel are so good at.
It’s going to take awhile, if ever, for the pictures from this assault on humanity to fade away. I will leave you with this prayer for Israel.
Our brothers and sisters the whole house of Israel, who are in distress and captivity who wander over sea and over land — may God have mercy on them, and bring them from distress to comfort, from darkness to light, from slavery to redemption, now, swiftly, and soon. And let us say: Amen.
– Cantor Mutlu

Lee Haywood is a franchise owner for Winzer USA, an MRO supply company based in Plano, TX.
He services industrial and government accounts across NC. Lee and his wife Brenda reside in Summerfield, NC and have been married for 39 years. He considers himself to be quite the dude.