Where The Buses At?
Alan Marshall
So let me get this straight…the Guilford County school system, the system that is responsible for the education of our children, the system responsible for assisting children with getting ready for life, the system that demands millions of Guilford County taxpayer dollars, can’t (in HOW many months?) work out the system for transporting children to and from school? I mean it’s not like this is a new concept or idea.
Ask yourself how you can trust the development, safety, and education of your children to a government organization (and they ARE a government organization) that can’t accomplish a simple mission like getting children from point A to point B and back again, points (and times) that rarely change.
Where are the “elected officials” on the School Board? I guess I’m wrong but I thought they were put there to oversee, for us the taxpayers, the operations of the school system. Why are they not coming out and demanding, DEMANDING answers for the people they represent? Why are they not leading the charge on fixing this problem? Why are they and the Board of Commissioners not dragging these people in front of the boards and the taxpayers for financial and operational accountability?
Here’s a wild idea…hold all these school officials, from the Superintendent of Guilford County Schools down, responsible for what they are SUPPOSED to be doing for our children. MAKE them give real answers, not talking points or platitudes. Make them answer the question, don’t let them duck and dodge. Pick a spokesperson so they can’t use the ‘too many speakers, not enough time’ excuse. Let’s hold them accountable. Here’s another news flash…County Commissioners, School Board, school personnel (in and outside the classroom), you work for the citizens, the taxpayers of Guilford County. Citizens, taxpayers, YOU are responsible for holding their feet to the fire. So how you sow, so shall you reap.
Donald Trump for President, Mark Robinson for Governor.
Carpe Diem

Alan is a retired infantry paratrooper born and raised in Ohio (yes, a Damn Yankee), he and his wife Julee live in Pleasant Garden NC where he spent 12 years serving the people as a member of the Town Council. A Conservative who believes the 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is just as important as the 1st and 2nd.