They’ll Never Get My Guns! Oh Yeah?

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Raymond Eaton

The Constitution states that “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States”. Indeed, as an example, when Congress tried to give George W. Bush the line-item veto, the Supreme Court ruled that this power cannot be delegated to another entity. But for decades Americans have been at the mercy of government agencies that have been slowly handed legislative authority, even though their bureaucratic leadership have never been elected.

Now the Court is about to hear an important case that questions the “Chevron Doctrine”, which has allowed agencies like the EPA to create rules that, if broken, can fine or imprison you even though the EPA nor any other government agency has no such authority under the U.S. Constitution.
Another, even more alarming scenario is unfolding under the guise of saving the planet from “Climate Change” (the biggest hoax ever played on mankind) as part of the Green New Deal.

In late 2022, after the midterm elections, Congress passed the ridiculously named Inflation Reduction Act. Not surprisingly, Republicans provided extra votes to pass this Democrat power grab. I guess too many of them had big plans for the holidays to do what they’re Republican constituents expected of them.

Buried deep in the pages of this collectivist wish list was a big prize for the Bureau of Land Management and globalists everywhere. The Federal Government owns over 10% of the land in the United States. Ranchers, farmers, oil companies, and hunters have had access to most of this land by leasing it from the government for commercial use. Under the Inflation Reduction Act, the word “conservation” overrules any other stated use. The result? So they can save the planet, the BLM now has the power to lease this federal land to third parties such as the Sierra Club and other “morally superior” entities, denying its use to food producers that have leased the land for decades. They can refuse leases to ranchers, farmers, and oil companies and prohibit the use of the land by commercial and agricultural interests into the foreseeable future. The goal is to control food production as well as deny access to natural resources that provide us with our modern way of life, and up to now, high standard of living. If you’ve been paying attention, farmers are under attack all over the world for the same reason. Look up what’s been happening in the Netherlands.
Folks, it’s all Marxism of course and controlling food production and natural resources will lead to total control. Biden and the globalists call it fighting climate change, Stalin called it “collectivization”. Both end in catastrophe.

Your Guns? The Federal Government is already colluding with banks to put pressure on gun manufacturers and gun shops to inhibit a Constitutionally protected right. If they control food production and essential natural resources, they won’t need a law to collect your guns. If you like to eat or have anything resembling your current standard of living, you’ll turn them in voluntarily. 
So when your congressman casts a vote so they can avoid a “government shutdown”, understand that most of them probably haven’t read the fine print nor understand how devious the left really is. They’re just being “bipartisan” which means always giving the Democrats everything they want.

Raymond Eaton teaches history at Reidsville High School and as you can tell, is a strict constitutionalist. He has one daughter and one wife and they reside in Reidsville, NC.