The Woman Behind The Curtain
Lee Haywood
No, she’s not a medical doctor, to her credit though the first lady received two master’s degrees from West Chester University and Villanova University, as well as a doctorate in education from the University of Delaware in January 2007 — an academic accomplishment that warrants the prefix of “Dr.”
So she is smart. Smart enough to know better. And she should be ashamed of herself. She obviously loves the Democrat Party more than her husband.
It was bad enough when we watched in 2020 as she helped push her husband into running for the most powerful position in the world. Even though it was glaringly apparent that he was in the beginning stage of dementia or at the very least, cognitive decline.
His last real job was as a life guard and involved dressing down people such as “Corn Pop”. Since college he has pretty much lived on the taxpayers dime and, when he could, used his position to shake down foreign governments (where do you think Hunter learned the trade?). It was only natural as a lifetime politician that his ultimate goal would be to serve as President, similar to an intern rising through the ranks to become CEO. As a dutiful wife it was Dr. Jill Bidens duty to help make that happen, no matter what the consequences.
It makes one wonder just how the liberal mind works. Is it worth it to sacrifice your husband at the alter of abortion on demand or climate change? Or maybe it’s self absorption. The limelight, the access to Obama, the free fancy dresses. Again, whatever the reason, she should be ashamed.
Having witnessed old age dementia firsthand, I sort of feel sorry for the guy. But he has always been a liberal idiot and for some time he has been used by his wife and family to prolong the Biden Crime Syndicate. And as in any organization it is important to have an executive bench, where there are pitchers warming up in the bull pen, ready to step in should the CEO get killed in a plane crash or show their true self in a debate. They lost that person when Beau passed away. Beau was to the Bidens like John John was to the Kennedy’s. But with Hunter being the only male left, they are pretty much screwed and Joe will never live or be aware enough to enjoy the fruits of his ill gotten gains. Of course, there is Ashley. But she has her own problems, like having to avoid Daddy jumping in the shower with her. How sick is that? I’ll leave her alone. For now. So that leaves it up to Jill.
Whether it’s true or not, in 2020 they claim that over 81 million people voted for Joe Biden. What worries me is that come November, assuming he is not replaced on the ballot and even after witnessing his debate performance there are still millions of people afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome that, country be Damned, will still vote for Jill Biden’s husband.
God help us.

Lee Haywood is a franchise owner for Winzer USA, an MRO supply company based in Plano, TX. He services industrial and government accounts across NC. Lee and his wife Brenda reside in Summerfield, NC and have been married for 39 years. He was born on the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius. He is partial to the color red and his lucky number is 3.