Lee Haywood
Was that a slog, or what? To me it seemed to go on forever. And I wasn’t even on the ballot.
Congratulations to:
The Donald. He stands a good chance of retaking the White House from Biden and saving our country. If he can learn to keep his mouth shut……
Mark Robinson. We all need to wrap our arms around my friend Mark to protect him from the long knives headed his way- from the Republicans. I believe that there are those that have conveniently friended him that don’t have his best interests in mind. More on that to come.
Hal Weatherman. As one of his team leaders I couldn’t be happier for his first place finish over a lot really good candidates that were in this race. Unfortunately he missed the needed 30% and we are headed to a 2nd election. I and others will be working extra hard until May 14 to get this good man elected as our next Lt. Governor. Message me if you want to help.
NC Auditor– Jack Clark and Dave Boliek. This should be interesting and I’m waiting to hear more from both of them before deciding. Many thanks to my friend Jim Kee for stepping up.
Steve Troxler. Was anyone surprised?
Mike Causey. Yay. Though I hope Brawley runs again for something else.
Chad Brown. Congratulations for taking Secretary of State. Though I really did like Christine Villaverde, too.
Michele Morrow. Who would have thunk it? I could not be happier that she won this race. Decidedly. I had high hopes for her opponent when we got her in four years ago, just to be let down. I believe with Michele we have a true fighter who will stand up to the liberals on the NC Board of Education. There again she will also have to fight the establishment Republicans as well. We all need to support her as much as possible to help her succeed in taking our classrooms back.
NC Treasurer. Thanks to AJ Daoud for stepping up again. I don’t know enough about Johnson or Briner to make a decision yet. But it goes without saying that nobody will match Dale. This totally sucks.
Chris Freeman. Congratulations.
Alan Branson- US House 59. Congratulations my friend.
John Blust- US House 62. Congratulations to my friend John. My heartfelt thanks to my other friend Michelle Bardsley for working so hard but not quite making it. All of the candidates in this race were good quality.
Congratulations also to Luke Farley on his victory over my friend Jon Hardister for the Dept of Labor. I believe you will win if you work as hard as you did in the primary. Tip. Take your family around with you as much as possible. They are a vote getter.
Thanks to George Cleveland for honorably serving District 14. It won’t be the same without you.
Many, many thanks to Jon Hardister. I remember vetting you with C4GC. That was many moons ago. I wish you luck on your future endeavors but something tells me that you’ll be back. Thanks again for your service.
Finally, I can’t thank my friend Dale Folwell enough for his service and the great things he has done for North Carolina. When his term is over he intends to spend more time with his wife Synthia. A worthy endeavor indeed. But I have informed him that we will not tolerate him disappearing completely and it wouldn’t hurt anyone’s feelings to show up at some events every know and then. He can bring Synthia. Am I right? Dale is one of a kind and I don’t believe anyone else will be able to match his accomplishments.
Dale, you will be missed. But again, something tells me you will be back. It’s in your nature. Dale Yeah!
Stopping now to watch Uncle Joe.
More on this later, probably with thoughts on the 6th District cluster.

Lee Haywood is a franchise owner for Winzer USA, an MRO supply company based in Plano, TX.
He services industrial and government accounts across NC. Lee and his wife Brenda reside in Summerfield, NC and have been married for 39 years. He considers himself to be quite the dude.