The constant barrage of negative press has not only not subsided but has intensified. He has been impuned, impeached and indicted. All this and he hasn’t been President since January 20, 202I.
Yet through Supreme Court decisions that were handed down last week Donald Trump is still managing to poke the liberal progressives in the eyes. In what will undoubtedly be his most enduring legacy (besides denying Hillary the Presidency), the three justices he was able to place on the court have stepped up and are paying their way. What’s more, they are also dragging Chief Justice Roberts along with them.
Some decisions handed down before the session ended were:
A Christian graphic artist can refuse to create websites for a gay couples.
Found that Harvard University and UNC race based diversity admission policies were unconstitutional.
Determined that your President Biden did not have the power to forgive student loans.
This was my favorite
But they also reigned in state legislatures powers somewhat by deciding that Alabama legislators violated the Voting Rights Act by not creating enough minority districts. Roberts and Kavanaugh broke ranks on this one.
All in all it was a very good week for our Constitution. But we should not be lulled into complacency. True to form the liberals are already working on, and will most likely succeed, in circumventing these decisions. It’s just what they do. They never give up.
After the college admission policy ruling your President Biden commented that “this is not a normal court”. For once he is right. After years of judicial activism from liberal judges on the court we finally have a six justice majority that not only have a textual grasp of the Constitution but the courage to fix the transgressions of past courts decisions. They are a breath of fresh air.
Now, it is more important than ever that we take the Presidency back. Supreme Court Justices have a nasty habit of dying and usually at just the wrong time. The last thing this country needs, God forbid, is to give Biden, or worse, Harris another pick on the court. Let’s keep this juggernaut going, shall we?