“A Prayer”
By Shannon Triolo
I have a few words I would like to share, by addressing where we are as a country as well as Israel. When we started this community meeting around three years ago we were eager, hopeful, and energized.
The fall of Afghanistan we thought was rock bottom. It seemed each month we kept getting hit with another disappointing move from liberals, Republicans, mainstream media, schools, colleges, and corporations. So, with the fall of Afghanistan we thought this is it, people will wake up…. but it did not happen. Our elections did not have the results we worked hard to achieve, although we did win some, we were left discouraged.
Today I feel like I’m living in this surreal world. It is so foreign to everything we were taught and everything we were familiar with. All the morals and character that made us America are no longer the sounding voice of this nation. We are now watching antisemitic marches and protests taking place on our college campuses and in towns and cities across our nation, including Guilford County. It is tough and I know we are all weary.
I have told my husband I would never live in a place where my neighbors would want to kill me.
But I do see our own nation allowing this same evil to enter our homeland. And I, as a Christian, will be who these evil terrorists hate.
We have China, Iran, Russia, and N. Korea taking advantage and strategically planning their move against our nation while they watch the weak Biden Administration fail at leadership and our Republic becoming unraveled, unable to govern.
It is time for our community to pull together, surround yourself with other conservatives, go to an established non-woke church, to Christian ministries to gain strength. To unite with the Republican party on the local level and take part in having a voice to lead our county and our state. No longer will your vote be enough; it is time to get involved with politics on a whole other level. In the past we have lived with no concerns about our governing body, we trusted they had our best interest, the interest of “we the people”, but they don’t. That bridge fell long ago when people assumed someone else was taking care of it for them. And when I ask this of you, I am asking as I always have, for you to give what you can. This community has already proven that together each little part amounts to a big effort. Everyone can afford the time and effort to go to other meetings around town to see candidates or hear what our Republican party is doing, what they are voting on. We must not sit on the side lines anymore, or sit out a few innings, it is time to get in the game, or we lose.
As we pray tonight remember that prayer is the greatest weapon we have to the evil, chaotic time we are living in.
We ask,
Father God, we pray your spirit continues to lift this nation, this nation continues to lift Israel in prayer, and we the people continue to remain true to the Lord, have pure hearts and hear only your words of courage as we fight for our God given Liberties and our Nation which was founded upon your will.
In Jesus name Amen.

Shannon Triolo is the founder of Eastern Guilford Conservatives. She is a graduate of Eastern Guilford High School and has a Textile Marketing Degree from UNCG. Married to husband Chris for 20 years. They have 3 kids, ages 17, 15 and 13 and have run a home school family for over 10 years. She is a force to be reckoned with.