Oy vey
Lee Haywood

For over 30 years I represented an industrial supply business located on Long Island, NY. It was founded by a very nice and generous couple who through their hard work and determination built their company up to around two hundred sales people. They were the perfect example of the American dream. They were also liberal Jews.
When I say liberal, they were so bad that in a conversation with the wife she expressed guilt over how the white man had cheated and stolen America from the Native Americans and there should be some mechanism to make it right, including giving them their land back. Yes, that liberal. Let alone the impracticality of giving back the Island of Long but she couldn’t make the connect between their own American success story and her guilt-ridden desire to kill the golden goose that allowed them to live it.
They have both passed away and I am grateful for the opportunity they gave me. Fortunately they weren’t very political and I don’t believe they contributed very much to the Democrat machine but I guarantee they voted that way. Unfortunately they were with the majority of the Jewish population that for some reason and despite the hatred that has been exhibited towards them by the Democrats, still align themselves and vote for them. It defies logic.
If you are like me you have to be disappointed in the way thousands of Israelis are protesting the ongoing war and Bibi Netanyahu’s heroic determination to exterminate Hamas. It has reached another level recently with the discovery of six hostages found executed in a tunnel who had been shot multiple times at close range. Do they not remember how this started when over 1,200 people were murdered and hundreds more beaten, raped and mutilated? Sidenote. As they find them, why are they not destroying these tunnels by explosion or flooding or even filling them in with concrete? Just wondering.
The hostage count has whittled down since October 7, 2023. On that date the murderers took over two hundred hostages. It is now estimated to be around a hundred with reports that around thirty of those might be dead. But instead of increasing their determination after finding these recently executed civilians, thousands are protesting in the streets demanding that the government capitulate, grab defeat from the jaws of victory and negotiate to end the war by releasing the remaining hostages, dead or alive. They seem to forget that they are rallying to support those whose stated objective is to exterminate the Jews from the planet. I feel for those that have lost a loved one or are family to someone in captivity but I agree with Bibi. Anything other than total victory is a victory for Hamas
God might have chosen these people but it doesn’t necessarily mean he gave them a brain.
Oy vey.

Lee Haywood is a franchise owner for Winzer USA, an MRO supply company based in Plano, TX. He services industrial and government accounts across NC. Lee and his wife Brenda reside in Summerfield, NC and have been married for 39 years. He was born on the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius. He is partial to the color red and his lucky number is 3.