Lee Haywood
It has been a struggle to get in the Christmas spirit this year and I’m not sure why. I’m not alone either, I’ve heard the same lament from my valued customers. In their case it might be because Christmas falls in the middle of the week which creates a dilemna for factory managers as they weigh giving vacation time against meeting production schedules. When it occurs towards the beginning or end of the week they can usually expect to at least get a 4 day weekend. Indeed, it seems there are far fewer companies taking the week off this year. I hope it’s not a trend.
For me though it might be the examples on display of man’s evil nature that is depressing me. Whether it is the gunning down of Brian Thompson or the setting on fire of an innocent young lady minding her own business on a New York subway it just seems that we have lost any semblance of civility or humanity.
I don’t know.
Anyway, it’s Christmas Eve and “It’a Wonderful Life” is on the tube, I’m being reminded that I should count my blessings, which are many, and I’m actually starting to enjoy it.
So, instead of a political rant I wrote a short Christmas prayer. Thank you for reading.
Brenda and I wish you a Merry Christmas.
“We pray that you give peace to those souls that have senselessly lost their lives over the past few days and provide solace to their friends and family. We give thanks to those that are still willing to put their lives on the line and pay the ultimate sacrifice as Greensboro police officer Michael Horan did this week. Bless his family.
For those that are sick or hurting, give them the strength to overcome their ailments and provide relief from their suffering.
We pray for the protection of those who are serving in our armed forces both here in America and overseas and ask that you help find a way for the ongoing wars in Israel, Ukraine and elsewhere come to a peaceful conclusion.
As we gather with friends and family over Christmas and the New Year, thank you for the food you have provided and protect those that will be traveling to spend time with their loved ones.
We thank you for the promise of a new beginning in which our country will once again turn toward good and away from evil. Please wrap your arms around our new leaders as they take on the non-believers and protect them from those that would do them harm.
Finally, we pray for our salvation, and as we observe the birth of Jesus, we thank you for giving your only son so that our sins will be forgiven. Help us who are still on Earth to love one another and live a life worthy of your sacrifice.
For your son Jesus Christ, our state, our nation and humanity”.
In the Lord’s name we pray,

Lee Haywood is a franchise owner for Winzer USA, an MRO supply company based in Plano, TX. He services industrial and government accounts across NC. Lee and his wife Brenda reside in Summerfield, NC and have been married for 39 years. He was born on the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius. He is partial to the color red and his lucky number is 3.

Rest In Peace