No, they’re not Palestinians or Israelis. Or Teamsters, or gay, or Communist. They are unarmed, except with maybe a jelly filled donut.
They are UNCG college students, upset that maybe in the distant future after they graduate the college might discontinue some under attended or under performing classes, including, God forbid, gender studies.
From the Greensboro N&O
“Lisa Levenstein, director of the women’s and gender studies program at UNCG, said she is concerned about the future of academic programs that serve many first-generation college students. She’s also worried about the livelihood of faculty members who may be affected by program cuts.
“We believe everyone deserves to have a full education,” she said.
An online petition is calling for the “immediate suspension or discontinuation” of UNCG’s academic portfolio review process aimed at identifying programs for elimination. “UNCG is in solid financial condition and has more flexible reserves than most state universities of its kind,” according to the petition.
Chancellor Frank Gilliam said in a written message to students Wednesday that he wanted to address “misinformation” circulating about academic programs. He assured students that they would be able to finish their studies at UNCG in their chosen major.
“Any changes to the university’s academic offerings will be decided in early 2024 and will take years to implement,” Gilliam wrote.
I never have really understood what gender studies were, so tonight I Googled it. I still don’t. It makes me scratch my head and wonder where in regular discourse or business dealings a degree in gender studies would come in handy. It leads me to believe that the only place one might find a career in gender studies is at an institution of higher learning, where it was invented.
Which brings me to my next point. These kids are protesting the possible elimination of courses such as gender studies that serve no purpose in our society. Now, this is a free country and I would normally defend their right to make stupid mistakes. I know I made a few. Where I do take notice is after they graduate, when they can’t buy a house or car on a salary based on a degree in gender studies, when they go whining to Congress and ask me and you to pay off their college debt, that is when I take exception.
I am glad that this cost cutting initiative is taking place and maybe one of these days, after they grow up, these young skulls of mush will understand the necessity of trimming business fat. Until then I would hope they find something more productive to do with their young lives and find a dark, dingy watering hole that serves ice cold beer and make it their mission to observe how long it takes to turn yeast, hops and barley into lemonade.
Then they will have my respect.

Lee Haywood is a franchise owner for Winzer USA, an MRO supply company based in Plano, TX.
He services industrial and government accounts across NC. Lee and his wife Brenda reside in Summerfield, NC and have been married for 39 years. He considers himself to be quite the dude.