Henry’s Election Day Experience
Henry Chase
My name is Henry, and I am a senior in high school. On November 5th, 2024, I participated in my first-ever election. I actively engaged with the Republican Party leading up to Election Day by attending two Trump rallies and participating in early voting. In recent years, I have witnessed the country heading in the wrong direction. As an American citizen, I believe it is my civic duty to vote and voice my opinion on a broad range of political topics.
Most recently, a few of my classmates and I worked the polls on Election Day as poll greeters endorsing the Republican Party, more specifically Hal Weatherman, who was running for lieutenant governor of North Carolina. Although we are members of the youngest voter demographic, we were able to have a positive impact on voters coming to the polls. A simple “Hey, please consider voting for these conservative candidates” and then handing them a Republican Voter Guide went a long way.
Many individuals seemed moved by the sight of high school students endorsing and speaking out about the candidates. Some went as far as to say we helped them decide who to vote for. I enjoyed demonstrating that young Americans like myself are actively engaged in politics although it may not appear that way on the surface. My fellow poll-greeting team members were also enthusiastic about working with the Republican Party; we felt like we had a purpose, showing how today’s youth are embracing conservative ideals.
Not only was working the polls enjoyable, but it made me feel like I was actively contributing to the voting experience for fellow North Carolinians. I realized that, even as a young voter, I have the power to shape our country’s future by taking an active stand for what I believe in.

Henry Chase lives in Greensboro. He is a senior at Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School. After graduation he will be attending Ole Miss where he intends on majoring in Business.
On election day the Hal Weatherman campaign was blessed to have three volunteer poll greeters from Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School. Over the years I have worked with quite a few younger volunteers but these gentlemen were the best by far. They showed up prepared and enthusiastic. I believe the election results are an indication of the beginning of a shift in our country from liberal self-absorption and hatred of our country to patriotism and the pride of being American. I wish these guys well.
If I had one piece of advice to give them it would be to enjoy that hair. Before they know it, it will be gone.
Lee Haywood