Forget France
Lee Haywood
Those that know me are aware that “Forget” is not the word I wanted to use in the title. Brenda says I cuss too much so I am trying to please her by moderating what some would consider offensive language.
Women. Am I right?
Anyway, what the Hell is wrong with the French? Do they ever learn? Ever? What were they trying to convey with the spectacle of drag queens lined up with their private parts hanging out. If their message was that transgenders and queers are sick and disgusting then point made. I would like to say that only in France would these degenerates get away with something like this. But I can’t. This kind of display is becoming more common in “enlightened” permissive societies, including here. I just don’t understand how this is going to help their cause. And all my gay friends are conspicuously quiet. Oh well.
The French have always been jerks. This latest episode shows that they are willing to mock our faith and then taunt us for being offended, like the Frenchman behind the castle wall in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”.
The French though, have a problem. They have invited some of the worst elements of Islam to immigrate to their country and instead of integrating them have relegated them to menial positions in their society. Muslims have very little tolerance for homosexual behavior and will react violently towards gays if they can get away with it. I predict somewhere down the road it will reach critical mass and a Muslim uprising will take over. I say if that happens let Jamaal and Muhammad have it.
But these selfish queers keep pushing the boundaries of political statements in events that are supposed to be apolitical. In this case it steals the limelight from those that have spent their entire lives preparing for world class competition in sports such as race walking and hand ball (whatever that is) and each time they get away with something like this it only makes me think that it may be time to put them back in the closet.
Forget France

Lee Haywood is a franchise owner for Winzer USA, an MRO supply company based in Plano, TX. He services industrial and government accounts across NC. Lee and his wife Brenda reside in Summerfield, NC and have been married for 39 years. He was born on the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius. He is partial to the color red and his lucky number is 3.