Lee Haywood

There was a very real possibility that the citizens of the 6th District were about to elect this specimen of arrogance. But luckily there were enough people swayed by Trumps endorsement and Mark Walker’s name recognition to keep that from happening. My family has many veterans and I have much respect for those that serve. Unfortunately, serving doesn’t necessarily give one the humility or gratefulness that makes a person congressional material. By now Lt. Colonel Castelli has cleaned out his High Point apartment and moved his stuff back to Southern Pines, where he has lived all along.
Congratulations to the citizens of the 6th District for dodging one big old bullet.

I can’t make this stuff up. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Trump’s dislike for Walker is well known. I just hope that Mark has a contract that requires there to be an intermediary in between him and Trump and a generous severance package for the day when Trump fires him.
Therefore, because of these current events,
I wish to congratulate ADDISON McDOWELL for becoming the 6th District Congressman in waiting!

Lee Haywood is a franchise owner for Winzer USA, an MRO supply company based in Plano, TX.
He services industrial and government accounts across NC. Lee and his wife Brenda reside in Summerfield, NC and have been married for 39 years. He considers himself to be quite the dude.