Lee Haywood
Or should I say disgusting? The story from “trusted” news source CNN hadn’t even broken yet when the usual suspects began analyzing on Facebook and X (formerly known as Twitter) what this could mean for the upcoming election. Should the Republican nominee for Governor step down before it’s too late? Absolutely. If he doesn’t step down, will him staying in the race affect the down ballot candidates? Yes.
Most importantly, how will this affect Trump? You remember Trump, don’t you? He’s the one who boasted on Access Hollywood that because of his star status he could lead a woman around by her vagina, paid hush money to a porn star while claiming he never boinked her, denied groping a woman on a plane because she “wasn’t his type”. Anyway, what will be the effect on his race? Well, according to these geniuses, and despite all his faults and misdeeds and the never-ending BS coming out of his mouth, Mark will be his undoing.
Let me set you straight. Donald Trump should be 20 points ahead. Everywhere. It is because of his continuing obsession with himself and his inability to shut his mouth that he is now tied with an obsessive liar and Trollip from California. If he loses it will be his own Damn fault, not Mark Robinson’s.
Now, when I say usual suspects we all know who they are. They live on the periphery of the Republican Party, circling around and always at the ready to criticize everything that the Party and its chosen candidates do. You rarely see them at county meetings, but should they make the effort to grace us with their presence they will be the ones standing at the back of the room, surveying their domain, always ready to duck out the exit when the time comes to volunteer. Nor will you see them handing out voter guides at the polls or standing under a GOP tent at the local fall festival.
Their conspiracy theories are endless. First it was Mark Walker who leaked the story. Then, it was the NCGOP. Let me set you straight again. If they think it was the NCGOP, then they will also need to mention Senator Thom Tillis and/or NC Senate Pro Tempore Phil Berger. Nothing of this magnitude could take place without their approval. But they ain’t got the knobbies for that, do they? I don’t claim to know who invented this ingenious hit piece, but it was masterful in its delivery and the creator couldn’t have asked for a more willing group of people to help take Mark down. It’s disgusting.
Let’s talk about me for a second. I am known to be a very loyal person. Until someone screws me or makes it clear they don’t want my friendship I will be their Huckleberry. Forever. But for various reasons I have lost quite a few friends the past couple of years. Big deal. I was doing fine before I met them and will continue to do fine without them.
When I support a candidate, I am all in. I don’t believe the details in this political dirty trick are true. Mark claims they have been made up and he has never given me cause to mistrust him. In the most unlikely event that my friend Mark did any of the things he is accused of I know him to be a follower of Jesus Christ and on his worst day he is still a better man than Josh Stein is on his best day. I will continue to help his campaign and on November 5th will cast my vote for Mark Keith Robinson for Governor of the Great State of North Carolina. I hope you will too.

Lee Haywood is a franchise owner for Winzer USA, an MRO supply company based in Plano, TX. He services industrial and government accounts across NC. Lee and his wife Brenda reside in Summerfield, NC and have been married for 39 years. He was born on the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius. He is partial to the color red and his lucky number is 3.

Rest In Peace