Civics 101
Alan Marshall
Our government, a representative republic (NOT a democracy), is best metaphorically represented by a three legged stool, with each branch being a leg of that stool. Remove or corrupt one leg and the stool will not stand or function as it should.
Currently, the members of the (National Socialist) Democrat Party, because they don’t have the control they want, are insanely screaming about how the Supreme Court, one leg of that stool, needs to be whipped into line because they didn’t rule the way they wanted. Ask yourself, why haven’t they acted like this when a ruling went their way. When was the last time you heard conservatives howling for the heads of Justices because they didn’t agree with a ruling?
Our forefathers, when establishing our form of government, knew there had to be a single person, the President, that would make decisions, but there would also have to be a body that represented the people (the House) and the states (the Senate) with power to overrule the President. But they also knew there needed to be a body, with unchallengeable authority, to be able to interpret our Founding Documents based on the law. Keep in mind the Constitution can be changed through an established procedure and when correctly done, affects the rulings of the Court, so there is a way to change the law if the People, not the professional politicians, so vote. Those same politicians could however make changes themselves, but not without very high barriers.
The (NS)DP would like nothing more than to change our current form of government, albeit slowly, from what it is to a socialist form with them in charge. I believe this is why more and more government indoctrination centers, aka public schools, have minimized if not eliminated the teaching of U.S. Government. Eliminating the Department of Indoctr…I mean Education and giving oversight of schools back to State and local control would go a long way.
Government on ALL levels, Federal, State, and local works for the People, not the other way around. Until We the People put down our phones and not just start paying attention to what is going on around us, but actually get involved and DO something about it, the freedom and independence we enjoy and take advantage of will slowly disappear.
We need Donald Trump for President and Mark Robinson for Governor.
Carpe Diem

Alan is a retired infantry paratrooper born and raised in Ohio (yes, a Damn Yankee), he and his wife Julee live in Pleasant Garden NC where he spent 12 years serving the people as a member of the Town Council. A Conservative who believes the 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is just as important as the 1st and 2nd.