Do you remember who this guy is? This is what used to be Qasem Soleimani, the terrorist Iranian General reportedly responsible for the loss of countless American lives. The first picture shows him in happier days. The second picture shows him in a much different light after President Donald The Trump had his head blown off at the Bagdad Airport by a drone after arriving on a flight from Syria. Despite everything everybody has to say about #45 he at least watched out for his country and wasn’t afraid to show our strength in order to keep the peace and protect American lives. Man, I miss those days. |
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Do you know who this guy is? It is Chinese President Xi Jinping. He is the man probably most responsible (along with Fauci) for the Covid Pandemic that has cost thousands of lives worldwide and will be responsible for what I believe to be the inevitable collapse of countless capitalist societies in the not to distant future. The first picture shows him grinning because he knows he holds all the cards and that your President Biden isn’t going to do a thing to stop him. The second picture depicts him grinning for the same reason. The contrast is striking. Now, a Chinese surveillance balloon is allowed to have its way in the airspace over our heartland, including military bases. Do you believe for a second that they don’t already have the intelligence that this balloon could have possibly gleaned from its joyride? By the way, who still uses balloons? Answer. The Chinese. It is obvious what this is. President Xi is messing with this dottering old fool. And getting away with it. Look, I get it. Biden probably didn’t want to seem overly concerned or overreact to this obvious poking of his eye. But it’s the principle. If Xi gets away with this, what’s next? Taiwan is on their radar and if Sleepy Joe is afraid of escalation and the threat of war his actions only encourage it. Let’s not forget Afghanistan. Our enemies haven’t. We live in a very strong country that has been able to withstand many threats, both foreign and domestic. But I’m getting tired of this and am ready for a man to once again occupy the White House. I miss Ronald Reagan. |