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This is just sad. On so many levels. Although I have been gravitating towards Sam Adams lately I have partaken my fair share of Bud Light in the past. This was a big deal for Anheuser-Busch to plaster transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney on their product. I’m sure there were numerous boardroom meetings and discussions on the pros and cons. I am stunned that the pros outweighed the cons. Or did it? The final decision might have been made by their CEO, Brendan Whitworth, who put out one of the most bland and uninformative press releases in the history of press releases. In any event it shows that whoever is in charge doesn’t have a clue about their customer base, let alone their values. There are reports that the company’s market value has dropped by 4 billion dollars. Jolly good. I hope that is just the start. Ironically, I bet if they had instead decided to feature Afghanistan War hero Pat Tillman, there stock value possibly would have risen by 4 billion. But who knows?
Why can’t we just drink a beer in peace?