Get Out Of The Way
Alan Marshall
According to news reports, Governor Roy “I Can’t Cope” Cooper has ordered the needed volunteers who have been working to assist their Brother and Sister Tar Heels in WNC to stand down, don’t fly, get out of the way, we got this…10+ days after sitting on his hands while people suffered, people DIED, and Sleepy Joe and Kamala-la-la-ding dong were busy on the beach and at fundraisers with their (National Socialist) Democrat Party handlers.
We have the largest concentration of military personnel with equipment on the East Coast to be able to render aid of ALL types less than 8 hours away yet none of our “leaders” thought to make use of it. Instead, citizens, private organizations, just regular people dropped what they were doing and ran to the aid of their neighbors, friends, family, only to have the government FINALLY show up and tell them ‘go away, we don’t need you, and by the way, give us all that stuff you’ve stockpiled.’ My reply would have been the same as when they talk about taking away my guns…”Molon Labe.”
Instead of taking in the volunteers with intimate knowledge of the areas, the Fed and State government say “we got this…oh and BTW, we don’t have any assets, so give us yours then go away.”
They’ve tried to feed us this line of bull about “we have no more money” from one side of their mouth while telling illegal aliens they will fly them all over the country, put them up in hotels, and give them a regular stipend. Ok, they did offer people who lost everything a one time payment of $750. Real big of them, right?
If this is the (NS)DP’s idea of “strong leadership” then just please go back to the beach and begging for money from your rich friends and let us, the American people, the REAL American people, have the keys to the car so we can do the job that needs to be done because obviously you have ulterior motives that border on a desire to gain personal power.
This and the upcoming disaster in Central Florida with the oncoming storm should be a strong motivation factor for the American voters to dump this circus that calls itself an administration , at both Federal and State level and put some true Americans back in charge.
Carpe Diem
Alan is a retired infantry paratrooper born and raised in Ohio (yes, a Damn Yankee), he and his wife Julee live in Pleasant Garden NC where he spent 12 years serving the people as a member of the Town Council. A Conservative who believes the 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is just as important as the 1st and 2nd.